Rates & Policies

All rates are professionally quoted according to property layout, obstacles, snow storage potential, elevation, surface composition, length etc. We normally clear all snow between 4 to 6 inches depending on weather conditions ie. (wet, heavy, dry, light). When the storm subsides there is usually a final clearing. We charge on a per-visit basis.

Rates are as follows for contract snowplow customers:

Rate#1: $70.00

Rate#2: $80.00

Rate#3: $85.00

Rate#4: $90.00

Rate#5: $100.00

Rate#6: $115.00

We have a $70.00 minimum rate for snow removal services for driveways.

The above rates are a flat, per visit fee. A plow rate rate of $195.00 per hour is charged out in 15 minute increments. If snow fall exceeds 8 inches or there are extreme conditions there may be charges for additional time and/or use of special equipment.

We no longer offer “ On Call “ services.

Our services are billed monthly. Payment is due within 15 days from the date of our invoice, in the event of late payment we will charge 18% finance fee. We reserve the right to refuse service to any customer or discontinue service in the event of non-payment.

Customers who are part of a Homeowners Association or share an access road/driveway, will share the costs of services to that road. A representative will agree upon the formula for the division of costs for the access road. In addition, each service customer is billed individually for their own driveway.

 Sign-up Form

If you do not hear back from us within one business day, please call us at 509-996-8178.


Do I really need Palm Construction Inc.’s snow removal services?

Snow removal services are for full-time residents who need safe, reliable access in and out of their property and for second home owners that expect their vacation time to be a vacation, and not a snow-clearing day. Living in snow country can be a time consuming commitment, but with Palm Construction Inc it doesn't have to be. Our trained professionals have the equipment, and the know-how to make snow removal a seamless task that you never have to think about again.

When do I need to sign up for service?

We offer a $25 discount to homeowners who commit to our snow removal service by October 1st. This incentive is designed to encourage early commitment and allow us to accurately plan our winter operations. Early commitments help us hire the appropriate number of operators, invest in new machinery and stake your driveway before the snow removal season begins.

What time will my driveway be cleared?

Palm Construction Inc. will begin snow removal operations when snowfall reaches a depth of approximately 6" in your route area. Therefore, the timing of snow removal may vary from day to day. With our routes taking about eight to twelve hours to complete, the unpredictability and severity of the weather, we cannot guarantee that we will arrive at your house at a set time every day.

What if the county berms me in after Palm Construction Inc. has cleared my driveway?

While we cannot coordinate our efforts with road crews, our crews do monitor their snow removal progress. We are not responsible for berms created by road crews. However, if you need additional assistance please contact us.

Does Palm Construction Inc. shovel walkways, roofs, and decks?

We at Palm Construction Inc. focus on providing driveway and road accessibility for our clients. We simply do not have the additional manpower required to provide shoveling services at this time.

What if I have difficulty due to my driveway's steep upslope or downslope?

Unfortunately, some homes have been built without seriously considering winter access. Though Palm Construction Inc. will do all it can to maintain access to and from your home, we cannot be responsible for the lack of accessibility due to steep upsloping or down sloaping driveways, or accessibility problems caused by vehicles not well suited for winter conditions or unfamiliarity with winter driving, etc.

How close can you get to my garage door?

Our tractors are highly maneuverable and lightweight. In most cases, this means we can safely operate within a foot of your garage door, a parked car, or other object blocking our tractor. If the operator deems that the potential for damage is too high, we will not approach the object so closely.

What if there's another car parked in my driveway when you come to remove the snow?

We will safely work around the parked car(s) and clean up any remaining snow on our next pass. Because our routes are often cleared in the middle of the night, we will not disturb the occupants of the house to move their cars. If possible, we ask that you park on one side of the driveway rather than the middle. This allows us to clear the unoccupied side rather than nothing at all.

What is Palm Construction Inc.’s policy on end-of-the-season property repairs?

We are not responsible for damage caused by normal snow plowing/blowing operations. Damage to driveways due to poor maintenance is the responsibility of the homeowner. We will make any reasonable repairs due to gross negligence by our crews. Please contact us at the end of the snow season should you need repairs. We will provide an estimate.

Are you insured?

For those unforeseen accidents Palm Construction Inc. maintains liability, property and workers compensation insurance through a major private carrier. Your patronage is appreciated. If at any time you have a concern please contact us.